The Swirly J Blogs

Hello! My name is Jennifer G., but you can call me Jenny! I am a bit of a nerd and have a huge love for video games, anime, comics, animated films, ect. My passion is creating in a 2D format and telling stories through illustration. I am learning everyday and I plan to keep it that way for the rest of my life! Thank you for taking the time to visit my blog! :)

Sunday, July 15, 2012


I am trapped in my own head facing my own demons. The words "You will never be good enough" go through my head every time I work.  How many pieces of artwork will I begin then give up on? I have a whole folder full of them. Confidence? How do I attain that? Its easy for people that work and others notice and give advice and compliment. Its harder when you receive nothing for work you do. When everyone has abandoned you. I have no one to talk to when it comes to my art. I am invisible and even now, I still dont have my own color. Time allotted-30 minutes.

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