Hello! My name is Jennifer G., but you can call me Jenny! I am a bit of a nerd and have a huge love for video games, anime, comics, animated films, ect. My passion is creating in a 2D format and telling stories through illustration. I am learning everyday and I plan to keep it that way for the rest of my life! Thank you for taking the time to visit my blog! :)
Welp! Here it is! My city envrioment! /sticks a fork in it. Im gunna do another one. I gotta learn some kinda strat for environments that works for me...
It is well underway! Here is what I did! There was more but the pictures were lost...nah I kid I just havent gotten myself to a scanner! Big update tomorrow...I hope haha Its only poster designs. I also modeled some props that I will compile together and take screenies of. I hope haha
Environment of a city. I like lights so I was too busy trying to do the lights. However, I am not technically capable of doing lights like that. Its an extremely complex scene with lights and I was trying to bite off more then I can currently chew. I really like them but buh...I wanted shinys in my picture! :( One day I suppose... Thumbs aren't related but I went through thumb nailing anyways!